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Basal Blade

Final Model (1).jpg
Final Model (3).jpg

In this project, I worked to develop a new handle for a garden saw to help alleviate some of the pain caused by basal joint arthritis. After several interviews and a some in depth research on the specific points in the hand effected by this form of arthritis, I began to make form sketches to map out some of the potential handle designs.

Going back into my research notes, I was able to narrow down my ideation into 3 distinct categories: avoidance of pressure, brace support, and thumb-less grip. I decided to combine the support of a hand brace with an avoidance of pressure to create a handle that would work for people at all levels of basal arthritis. 

From there I created a final set of drawings as well as a mock up of the product. The mockup was used for additional ergonomic testing and helped to shed light on the strengths and weaknesses of the design.

Hold Drawing.jpg
Final Model (1).jpg
Final Model (3).jpg
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